I missed Groundhog Day, but that’s okay because this Texas lady got her wish of having snow last night!

As a self-employed entrepreneur, I can mark my calendar as enjoying a work-milestone, of my first snow day! Even if it happened to be midnight!

Self-employed bosses need a snow day, and here’s how my first snow day went.

Hearing a winter storm was coming in this week, with a chance of snow, I didn’t get my hopes up to actually see snow as I’ve done in the past.

When you’re from central Texas, its rare to see snow make it down this far into the state. But me being me, I absolutely love snow. It has always been a treat to get to see it, let alone play in it. 

I’ve been having many long days and nights, working on current and future projects for business since the holidays wrapped up. My plans were to go to bed early to catch up on sleep, and hopefully, begin rewiring my sleep schedule starting last night. 

How wrong I would be, come a few hours later in the day. 

I was informed that we were going to have a good chance of snow last night. Already dressed for bed, I look outside to make sure I wasn’t going to miss our rare chance at snowfall. Sure enough, I see flurries coming down.

“No way!” I thought, starting to scramble for my phone to take video. The predicted amount was about a half-inch. Well, I wanted to see it for myself, since after all,  I did wish for a white 2019 Christmas to happen, but never did. 

So, about every minute I ran from room to room, turning on lights and looking out the windows just to catch the snow falling down. 

The ground quickly melted the snow. The wind was madly strong all day bringing in the storm, but the snow kept melting as it touched the sidewalk. After about half an hour or so, given that I was no longer watching the time but the snow, it began to accumulate on the grass. I was really excited now!

Closer to midnight, the snow came down harder, and the wind carrying larger snowflakes. 

I was so excited, I had to make a quick decision whether or not I was going to get dressed and go outside. Midnight was approaching and my bed was calling.

My inner spirit called to take a moment to have some fun in nature, to experience the icy cold of a fresh snowfall. 

It was done. I dressed in three layers of clothing with about a 45 percent phone charge left- I felt a slight panic about a low battery, but I couldn’t miss the snow. 

I grabbed my boots and headed outside. I snapped a couple of pictures of the front porch plants already covered with snow. Then I stepped off the sidewalk, into the grass. 

I savored the sound and feel of the snow as my boots crunched along it in the front yard. I stood in place and crunched the snow some more, listening to the sound through the wind howls. Looking around and up at the sky I felt myself smiling at the peace of the midnight hour, all alone. It was another moment of experiencing Earth’s own Heaven. I enjoyed just feeling joy and happiness over the simple surprise of receiving night snow. 

Every now and then, I find it so important to stop and let your senses take in the environment. Our climate is changing rapidly and these moments may never occur again. So why miss out? 

Sleep is sleep, yet like the dream Interpreter within, its also very important. But connecting with the elements also raises your vibration to evolve into a better human, and therefore a better entrepreneur. 

Being a chef, I couldn’t pass up grabbing a candy mold of ducks I purchased when I became a duck mommy too. 

However, it was quite a challenge to pack the snow into the mold as it was like scooping the artificial sugar, Splenda. (A horror story for next time.) And not to mention not having the right gloves. But I managed to get a few good shapes of a duck out from the mold.

And onto seeing more snow around the house, I decided to find my son’s beach toy bin and build a snowman and a fort. A big dream for only getting about a half to an inch of snowfall, right? 

Filling his sand buckets was taking too long, so I scratched the fort idea and decided on a single snowman. 

I found a large bucket to gather the snow, and away from where the ducks like to pass, about three buckets in, I was exhausted. 

I don’t recall building snowmen in the past that tiring. Even when I was nine months pregnant in the north, playing in the snow, I was so energized.  

But I had to keep going! I was determined to make my lovely snowman.

The snow stopped, I’ll guess at around 12:30 AM, and the ground appeared to be melting the ground snow already.

Too many panic moments for my little evening of fun…

But I managed to get a body done before calling it a night. If snow was still on the ground in the morning, I figured I could finish making it more round and taller, with all the embellishments too. 

All I could think about was how the ducks were going to react once I let them out, and of all the school kids missing out on playing in the snow because of the late hour the storm came through.

Come morning, I woke up earlier than usual. Remember, I’ve been sleeping late which means, later mornings too. I’ll never sacrifice my sleep and miss dreaming. 

I peeked out the curtain to find there were still traces of snow. Knowing that I’m the type of person who likes to jump right into work and not break until I’m tired, hungry, or need to stop for someone, breakfast came first. 

With a full battery this time, I took more photos of the snow before the ducks or I had the chance of putting footprints all over the yard. 

The duck ramp was covered with what looked like fresh snow still, but only because the sunlight hadn’t reached it. I filmed the ducks first walk through the snow and they were a little surprised and confused why I was filming them once again. (They tend to get camera shy like me at times.)

***Check out the video on my @colors4wellness Instagram page***

If I know my ducks, I could certainly see they were wary about my questionable looking snowman near the house.  After a while, they slowly walked the long way around, circling to a bucket of water and not getting close to the snowman. 

While they were exploring the snow before this though, I decided to build up the snowman a little where the morning sun was melting it and built smaller snowmen. Like a family. 

As I was making an updated social media post, I realized my snowman family was missing a spouse. 

Here was the post:

“I gave my snowman a family! 😀 wait…I forgot to build a husband. Oops…Dear Winter, let it snow again so this may be corrected. Thanks, Cassie from Texas. 🙂

By noon, the children had melted and the mother was more than 50 percent melted down herself. 

The sunny skies today, it’s like snow never happened last night in Texas. 

No matter what your self-employed days are filled with, be sure to take bad weather days and snow days off and enjoy them! Even if you can spare an hour, play in the snow, take a chance and be creative, embrace the elements (safely), take a moment to remember happiness like the child you once were, or to embrace what happiness is now to you, as an adult. 

Enjoying my now melted memories of my 2020 Texas snowfall, 

Have a great day!


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